What is The FMC?

Started in 2023 as the personal blog of our creator & founder, Sydney Bolen (hence the name, as she is the main character in her life’s story), it quickly developed into an entire website where she could consolidate all her interests and ideas. The Female Main Character is a place to adore and admire stories both real & fictional. We create content that brings fantasy worlds to life and reminds us that that same magic can be found in our day to day. From deep dives into why we love what we love and inspiring Q&As with our favorite upcoming creators and established artists to weekend getaways, tips for making routines feel renewed, and everything in between, The FMC is here to remind people of all shapes and sizes that they play the leading role of their own lives and it’s time to act like it.

Our values

We love anything and everything that brings us even the smallest amount of happiness. Be that a good book, movie or tale made for sharing over wine with a best friend. The FMC is a positive place, here to support the endeavors of the heroes and heroines in each of us and celebrate the times when our stories really do take center stage.

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RE: by Sydney

The FMC Spotlight

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